Lords of the Fallen: A Promising Souls-like Game with Room for Improvement

Welcome to my review of Lords of the Fallen! In this article, we'll delve into the world of this souls-like game and explore its strengths and weaknesses. Hexworks' reboot of Lords of the Fallen brings promising new features to the table, including a captivating dual-world gameplay mechanic and a macabre aesthetic. However, as we'll soon discover, there are areas where the game falls short. Join me as we uncover the highs and lows of this action RPG.

A Step Up in Every Way

Lords of the Fallen: A Promising Souls-like Game with Room for Improvement - -464009804

Lords of the Fallen has undergone a reboot by Hexworks, and the result is a game that feels like a step up in every way from the original. With a lengthy development period and multiple iterations, the 2023 version of Lords of the Fallen showcases improvements and new features that enhance the overall experience.

From solid sword and board gameplay to a beautiful aesthetic, Hexworks has made significant strides in making Lords of the Fallen a more captivating and enjoyable souls-like game. However, there are still areas that require further attention and polish before the game can truly shine.

Dense and Delightfully Melancholy

If you're a fan of games like Elden Ring or Dark Souls, Lords of the Fallen ticks all the right boxes. With its dense and difficult gameplay, coupled with a delightfully melancholy atmosphere, the game captures the essence of the souls-like genre.

The combat mechanics, reminiscent of the graceful poke-and-dodge style, along with traditional character leveling attributes, provide a familiar yet satisfying experience for souls-like enthusiasts.

However, what sets Lords of the Fallen apart is its captivating dual-world gameplay mechanic, which takes the game to the next level. By exploring both the realm of the living and the realm of the dead, players are immersed in a unique and engaging experience.

Cramped Level Design and Mob-Heavy Gameplay

One of the notable issues in Lords of the Fallen is its cramped and crowded level design. Reminiscent of early souls-like games, the tight passageways and lack of landmarks make navigation confusing and often lead to getting caught in corners or having swords clash against walls.

Additionally, the game is mob-heavy, with enemies constantly swarming the player. While this adds to the challenge, it can also become overwhelming and exhausting, especially during longer play sessions. The scarcity of checkpoints further intensifies the frantic nature of the gameplay.

These design choices, coupled with the game's reliance on cheap tricks and frustrating balancing, contribute to a sense of repetition and frustration for players.

A Macabre Aesthetic and Immersive World

Despite its flaws, Lords of the Fallen shines in its world design and aesthetic. Hexworks has created a macabre and immersive environment with Mournstead, which perfectly complements the souls-like genre.

The game's somber atmosphere and attention to detail make it a visually stunning experience. Exploring the dual worlds of Axiom and Umbral adds depth and intrigue to the game, with each realm offering unique locations, enemies, and items.

While the game may lack variety in its boss battles, the overall aesthetic and world design make up for it, providing a captivating and engaging experience for players.

Room for Improvement

While Lords of the Fallen has its strengths, it also has areas that require improvement. The game's bosses, for example, often feel lackluster, with many of them being larger versions of regular enemies.

Additionally, some design choices, such as the spongy nature of larger enemies and the lack of variety in level pacing, contribute to a sense of repetition and monotony.

However, it's important to note that Hexworks has shown dedication to improving the game, with recent fixes addressing technical performance and gameplay quirks. With further refinements, Lords of the Fallen has the potential to become a more polished and balanced souls-like experience.

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