CD Projekt Red, a renowned gaming studio behind The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077, remains steadfast in their commitment to independence. In an interview with the studio's CEO, Adam Kiciński, he emphasized their disinterest in being acquired and their dedication to maintaining their autonomy. The studio is currently focused on their upcoming projects, including the highly anticipated next mainline Witcher game, codenamed 'Polaris,' and the conceptual stage development of the next Cyberpunk game, codenamed 'Orion.' Additionally, CD Projekt Red has acquired Molasses Flood, the developer of The Flame in the Flood and Drake Hollow, who are working on a game set in the Witcher universe. Stay tuned for more exciting updates from CD Projekt Red as they continue to shape the gaming landscape with their unique vision and dedication to quality.
CD Projekt Red's Commitment to Independence
CD Projekt Red, the renowned gaming studio behind The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077, has firmly established itself as a studio committed to independence. In an interview with CEO Adam Kiciński, he emphasized the studio's strong desire to remain separate from larger entities and preserve their creative autonomy.
By maintaining their independence, CD Projekt Red can continue to develop games that align with their unique vision and values. This commitment allows them to take risks, push boundaries, and deliver unforgettable gaming experiences to their dedicated fanbase.
Exciting Upcoming Projects
CD Projekt Red is currently working on several highly anticipated projects that are sure to captivate gamers around the globe. One of their upcoming endeavors is the next mainline Witcher game, codenamed 'Polaris.' This project is already in full swing, with a team of approximately 330 employees working tirelessly to bring this beloved franchise to life once again.
In addition to the Witcher game, CD Projekt Red is also embarking on the conceptual stage development of the next Cyberpunk game, codenamed 'Orion.' The studio is assembling a talented team, primarily based in their Boston studio, to work on this exciting project. With support from their main Polish headquarters and expansion to Vancouver, CD Projekt Red aims to create another groundbreaking experience in the Cyberpunk universe.
Furthermore, CD Projekt Red has recently acquired Molasses Flood, the developer behind The Flame in the Flood and Drake Hollow. This acquisition brings new talent and expertise to the studio, as Molasses Flood is currently working on a game set in the Witcher universe, codenamed 'Sirius.' Fans can look forward to exploring even more of this rich and immersive world.
A Glimpse into the Future: 'Hadar'
Aside from their established franchises, CD Projekt Red is also venturing into uncharted territory with a new IP called 'Hadar.' This project, currently in the conceptual phase, promises to be an exciting addition to their already impressive lineup.
'Hadar' is described as an interesting pop culture concept that bridges the worlds of The Witcher and Cyberpunk. While details are still scarce, the prospect of a fresh and innovative IP from CD Projekt Red has fans eagerly awaiting more information.
With their track record of delivering immersive and captivating experiences, CD Projekt Red's foray into 'Hadar' has the potential to redefine the gaming landscape and further solidify their position as one of the industry's leading studios.
Continued Momentum and Future Prospects
CD Projekt Red has experienced a surge of momentum following the successful launch of Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty expansion and other major updates. This positive reception has reaffirmed the studio's commitment to delivering high-quality content and listening to their dedicated community.
Looking ahead, CD Projekt Red is fully focused on their ongoing projects and expects to dedicate the year 2024 to their development. With their talented teams and unwavering dedication, the studio is poised to continue shaping the gaming industry and providing unforgettable experiences for players worldwide.
Stay tuned for more updates from CD Projekt Red as they navigate the ever-evolving gaming landscape and strive to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of interactive entertainment.