What to Do After Beating Lies of P: Unveiling New Adventures

Congratulations on finishing Lies of P! Now that you've completed the main storyline, it's time to embark on new adventures. Dive into side quests, unlock achievements, collect records, and discover the multiple endings that await you. Find out what lies beyond the credits in this captivating game.

Complete Side Quests

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( Source: gamerant.com )

Now that you've completed the main storyline, it's time to explore the captivating side quests in Lies of P. These quests offer exciting challenges and unique rewards that you may have overlooked during your initial playthrough.

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( Source: gamerant.com )

Embark on thrilling missions, interact with intriguing NPCs, and unravel intriguing storylines. Completing side quests not only adds depth to the game but also rewards you with achievements and a sense of accomplishment.

Don't miss out on these hidden adventures that Lies of P has to offer. Engage in side quests and unlock new experiences in this immersive world.

Unlock Achievements

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( Source: gamerant.com )

After finishing the game, take on the challenge of unlocking achievements that you may have missed during your initial playthrough. Lies of P offers a wide range of achievements, each requiring different tasks and objectives to complete.

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( Source: gamerant.com )

From finding Trinity Sanctums to solving cryptic puzzles, there are plenty of achievements to strive for. Test your skills and explore every corner of the game to unlock these coveted accomplishments.

By obtaining all the achievements, you not only showcase your mastery of the game but also unlock additional rewards and bragging rights. Can you conquer all the achievements in Lies of P?

Collect Records

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( Source: gamerant.com )

As you progress through Lies of P, you'll come across various NPCs who hold valuable records. These records provide insights into the intricate world of Lies of P, revealing hidden lore and fascinating details.

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( Source: gamerant.com )

Embark on a quest to collect all the records and piece together the puzzle of this captivating universe. By collecting all the records, you'll unlock one of the game's most coveted and well-hidden weapons: The Golden Lie.

Immerse yourself in the rich lore of Lies of P and uncover the secrets that lie within the records scattered throughout the game.

Collect Weapons

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( Source: gamerant.com )

In Lies of P, there are numerous weapons waiting to be discovered and wielded. However, it's not possible to obtain all the weapons in a single playthrough.

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( Source: gamerant.com )

After beating the game, take on the challenge of collecting any remaining weapons you may have missed. Explore hidden areas, defeat powerful enemies, and uncover secret treasures to add to your arsenal.

Each weapon offers unique abilities and playstyles, allowing you to customize your gameplay experience. Don't miss the opportunity to collect all the weapons and become a true master of Lies of P.

Experience Different Endings

Lies of P offers three different endings, each influenced by the choices you make throughout the game. If you're curious about the other two endings after completing the game, New Game Plus allows you to make different choices and experience a new outcome.

Embark on a fresh playthrough, explore alternative paths, and witness the consequences of your decisions. Unravel the full story of Lies of P by experiencing each unique ending.

Will you uncover the truth behind the lies? Start a new journey in Lies of P and discover the different endings that await you.

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